TK came to live with us in May 2022 after spending twelve years at the bottom of the pecking order in her field. Despite being well looked after by an experienced owner, very little and slow progress was made with her training such as taking ten years for the farrier to be able to trim her hind feet without getting kicked. Most things other horses managed would cause her deep distress, so she did not become rideable.
She was gifted to us due to her nature; she is a well hidden anxiety package who puts on a brave front to continue surviving through life but her issues were hindering her progress and happiness.
TK has already make incredible progress, especially in her self confidence, being less defensive towards other horses and people. Since starting agility training she has come joint second in her very first international competition at starter level. In her new herd Diego is especially fond of her and Flo treats her like her a sister. TK is already a much loved member of our team who is impressing us every day with her amazing progress.