Our Work

The mission

We are a not for profit organisation which exists to rescue and rehabilitate horses using natural horsemanship techniques. Our mission is to provide an environment in which horses and people can receive therapy, support, education and experiential learning in order to thrive. We are applying to become a charity and are raising funds to cover the set up costs.

Our aims are to:

  • Enhance and restore the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our horses
  • Enable all children and adults to enter into a mutually beneficial relationship with our horses
  • Enrich the lives of our local and online communities
  • Advise and educate on the care of horses and ponies using natural horsemanship
  • Provide a forever home for our horses

The vision

To eradicate the need for horses to be rehomed due to mental, emotional, behavioural and/or physical issues and contribute to mitigate mental health suffering of people through establishing a connection with horses.

The Values



Providing high quality care is central to everything we do, including the way we work with our horses, our team and everyone we meet.




We are motivated to go out of our way to see to the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of the horses and those who work with them.



We treat everyone impartially, without discrimination, according to their individuality to help them meet their personal needs.



By considering individuals as important, including all aspects of their personality, we honour all through our care and treat everyone with dignity.


Due to the horses' diverse background, we aim to restore trust between the horse and the human. Reliable, consistent management systems and positive dependence help to restore horses' confidence.