The Horses


George posing for the camera.

Super friendly 11 year old 16hh black Cob gelding.

George is a truly special horse. He has the build of a Shire and is known as a ‘gentle giant’. He was born on a farm in Dorset and lived there for six years with a donkey companion until he was no longer able to be worked with due to his owner's lack of time. The following owner also moved him on after a short period of time and his next owner donated him to us as he could not fulfil her riding requirements. 

George had a broken pedal bone in his foot, which he recovered from then sadly got kicked on the hind leg causing intermittent lameness. George's previous owner said he had such a lovely a personality she couldn't bring herself to put him down and so he came to us in 2021. 

George is currently receiving Reiki sessions and has started some agility training. Our aim for George is to find him a donkey companion as he really misses his first friend. He loves human company and is deeply therapeutic, connecting to the souls of those who spend time with him. He adores fuss, grooming and treats. It’s impossible not to love friendly big George.

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